Student Absence/Late Arrival Procedure
Under the Department of Education and Training regulations, the only acceptable reasons for absence from school are: illness or associated appointments – notification is required for each absence.
Late Arrival at School
The school day commences at 8.50am, with class rooms opened from 8.30am. It is important that students arrive at school before 8.50am as this enables them to settle in and prepare for the school day.
Students who arrive late are immediately at a disadvantage as they miss out on the introduction to lessons and disrupt the class by their late arrival. Students who arrive after 8.50am are required to report to the office to sign in and obtain a late note for the class teacher.
Parents are requested to provide teachers with a short note explaining the absence of students from school or give a verbal reason to the class teacher. Notes can be emailed to the school or directly to the class teacher via the SchoolStar App.
Schools are responsible for monitoring the attendance of students and must follow up unexplained absences.
Schools must also monitor the frequency and number of absences, as these may cause concern even when the parent has provided an explanation. The Department’s policy states that the school must investigate a student’s attendance if it falls below 90% i.e. more than 5 absences per term.
If families wish to take children on holidays during school time it is encouraged to inform both the principal and the class teacher.